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Selasa, 04 September 2007

9 ways to do keyword research for

1.If you have a *Google AdWords account*, pretend you are planning to advertise using different keywords, and see how much you'd have to pay. That will give you a good indication of the popularity of the keywords.

Here's how. Follow these steps.

In step 2, "Create AdGroup", click on "Calculate Estimates" and "Recalculate Estimates". These show you the maximum you would have to pay per click to advertise for particular keywords or key phrases.

For finding new key phrases, you can also use the AdWords Keywords Tool. It may be useful.
Sometimes it's not. 2. Keywords Analyzer is a superb tool which can generate thousands of key phrases that people are typing into search engines.
If you have a Wordtracker account, you can also import data from Wordtracker and analyze it. It shows you, for example, how many advertisers have ad campaigns at AdWords for each phrase. If you're using AdSense, the more advertisers the better!

3. Have a look at the top 100 keywords on 7search. This will give you a quick idea of keywords that people are willing to pay big money for. You can also type phrases into the 7Search Keyword Suggestion Tool. This is just step one of your keyword research. You'll want to dig deeper.

4. At FindWhat pay-per-click search engine you can do a search for any phrase and quickly see how much advertisers are paying per click.

5. You can experiment typing words into Yahoo! Search Marketing's View Bids Tool.

Let's say you type in "asbestos cancer".
The top three advertisers often pay about $12 per click.
So that might be an good choice for a topic - provided you're a specialist on mesothelioma AND provided that your research shows that it's an in-demand topic.

For "debt consolidation", the top two advertisers often pay more than $9 per click.

6. The free Web Marketing Keyword Bid Research Tool speeds up your research at Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Type in a keyword and learn how much advertisers are paying per click and also find out how many searches were done on that keyword last month.

However, you need to know that Yahoo! combines singular and plural phrases, and robots are used to check bids. Both of these factors tend to distort the results you'll see. Checking Yahoo! Search Marketing is good for *quick, rough research*, nothing more.

7. KeywordSleuth is a wonderful tool for very fast keyword research.

You can find hundreds or even thousands of keywords - or key phrases - with just one click. It's fabulous to use if all you want is to find an enormous number of related key phrases with one click - much better than messing around with Overture. It has a free trial.

8. You can use Wordtracker to look for the 1,000 most popular keywords.

You can also use it to compile a useful list of keywords relating to one topic. If you buy it for a day or a week, you can do a lot of research in that time. It's the tool the professionals use.

Wordtracker has a free trial, but it's fairly limited. You can subscribe for as little as one day and do an awful lot of keyword research in that time.

9. The brainstorming and research tools in Site Build It!

are my favorite way to do brainstorming for keywords that are in high demand and low supply.. SBI is a *superb tool* - actually, a suite of tools. It's an all-in-one web hosting, site-building and web marketing tool. Type in a keyword and SBI Manager will present you with dozens of profitable keywords - ones with high demand and low supply. It can present them in order of profitability. Drill down, and you'll get dozens more profitable keywords.

I recommend you double check the results using Wordtracker.!

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Anonim mengatakan...

Looking for popular keywords, try using KeywordSpy - This will give you an opportunity to immediately track down your competitors and gather keywords for the promotional campaign of your online business.

KeywordSpy is keyword research technology where you can also earn and even surpass what your competitors are making with Google Adwords and Overture. KeywordSpy gives you the key to their success: a good ad-campaign with the right keywords.